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Group Profile

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1993-1997, the company in the start-up period, for the company's development foundation.

Father and son set up five German Wood Co., Ltd. (Langfang Wukesong Wood Co., Ltd. predecessor), began to get involved in the construction template industry. Self-made father and son of five people, everything must be personally, and strive to high-quality products. Kung Fu pays off, in the construction template industry tide, hard-working, positive and progressive father and son who broke their own piece of heaven and earth. The development of the company a few years ago, father and son five clear division of labor, the company's various aspects are very strict management, especially in product quality. With a large area of the shop market, product sales steady growth, the company has gradually entered a benign slow development period.

1998 - 2002, the company's development in the period of rapid growth, the birth of Wukesong brand.

As the market demand and product quality is guaranteed, the company's sales increased year after year. In order to meet the market demand, increase the supply of products, father and son five people continue to increase investment, expand production scale, improve annual production. At the same time, father and son five officially founded the "Wukesong" brand, open a new chapter in the development of the company. Wukesong, a symbol of father and son five perseverance, courage to the spirit of the interpretation of the five founder of indomitable spirit of pioneering.

2003 - 2007, the arrival of the Wukesong era, the company's development in a period of steady growth.

The establishment of the Wukesong brand, the company officially changed its name to Langfang Wukesong Wood Co., Ltd., father and son of the company's development direction of more clear. Clear to the product quality as the foundation, to brand promotion as the fundamental development ideas. Prior to this, the father and son of five people engaged in research and development of the production of plastic began to put into use. As a result of the introduction of Finnish rubber technology and independent research and development, the production of special template for building templates is more conducive to improving product quality. At this stage, the company's annual sales in a slightly steady growth period.

2008 - 2012, the company is developing bottlenecks, to attract agents to become the main channel of sales.

Due to the massive outbreak of the economic crisis, the company operating and sales by a certain impact. Father and son decisive to take a coping mechanism, to attract agents to become the main business model. After several years of development, the agent model gradually stable and has good sales. At the same time, in order to consolidate the status of the industry and made great progress, the company vigorously strengthen internal management, optimize the organizational structure, enhance the overall quality of management personnel.

Since 2013, the slowdown, steady and stronger.

Large and small manufacturers have sprung up, leading to increasingly fierce competition in the construction template industry. Especially the price war of the fight, really let the father and son five people realize that to improve product competition barriers is how necessary. So the company set up a market research department and product research and development departments, responsible for product improvement and optimization of market demand research. At the same time, the company heavily hired senior management personnel to conduct all-round layout of enterprises, to seek more long-term development plan.





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